Halo uPVC Windows, Fleet

Location: Fleet

Our client chose Halo uPVC Windows from the System 10 Range to replace all of the windows in their home in Fleet, Hampshire. We also fitted a Modo Composite Front Door to the owner’s home, which has complemented the overall transformation.

Inspired by traditional joinery, our high-performance Halo uPVC Windows combine traditional aesthetic with modern techniques to deliver a window that excels in making sure your home remains warmer and safer throughout the year.

Well-designed with impeccably clean lines and a smooth white finish on both sides, these double-glazed Halo uPVC windows deliver maximum thermal performance for your home. Our client chose French windows for the kitchen, with a floating mullion which opens at a 90-degree angle providing maximum natural light and air ventilation. Our client chose an Opal obscured glass feature for the bathroom window.

The owners of this well-manicured home in Fleet particularly wanted the long-lasting security that Halo offers. Any homeowner can enjoy complete peace of mind knowing they are custom built for safety and are naturally resistant to mould, rot and atmospheric corrosion, allowing them to enjoy these windows with minimal maintenance throughout the year.

As homeowners, we continue to seek out simplicity, efficiency and beauty throughout our homes. It’s no secret that we are veering more toward the modern and contemporary in our style choices. Beyond looks, we expect high performance in the form of efficiency, functionality and durability.

Thames Valley Window Company can also provide you with various design solutions and are happy to help when you visit our Showroom in Bracknell, Berkshire.

Products used:

You may also be interested in reading the following blog, ‘A Brief History of uPVC Windows’


Our ref: 0027225

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