uPVC Halo Rustique Casement Windows, Sandhurst

Location: Sandhurst

Our client in Sandhurst needed to replace the softwood double glazed windows on their Charles Church 1990s property despite the fact that they had been painted just 2 years earlier.

The narrow double glazed panes offered very little thermal benefit and a large number of the units had begun breaking down. All things considered, an overall replacement of the windows was the most cost effective solution. This would immediately rectify all issues as well as ensure long term performance.

A bespoke uPVC Halo Rustique casement window in Sandhurst with a black-brown grain finish was chosen instead of the original Rosewood Mahogany because it was a much better match for the mock Tudor style timber beams on the property. The mechanical joints and neat knife finish to the welds which give the uPVC windows in Sandhurst a more timber like appearance, impressed our client. Internally, the windows were finished in white grain.

Our client commented that the house is now much warmer despite the fact they use the central heating less. Added to that the acoustic performance has also significantly improved and our client is no longer woken up by the dustmen!

Products used:

Our ref: 0023897

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