Halo Rustique Double Glazed uPVC Windows, Woodcote

Location: Woodcote

This beautiful new build property is one of five homes on an exclusive development in Oxfordshire. The developer had installed standard modern timber windows which our client was looking to change. The windows had already started to show signs of degradation; they were splitting and the paint was flaking. The double glazing was also very thin, offering little in the way of thermal efficiency

We discussed a few design options with our client. They wanted windows that would be timeless and easy to maintain, having had to paint them once already.

They chose Halo Rustique double glazed uPVC casement windows with a smooth white finish, even sight lines, face-fix Georgian bars and hardwood cills.

Thames Valley Windows has since replaced the windows in two of the neighbouring properties.

Our client is delighted with their new double glazed uPVC windows!

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You may also be interested in reading our blog posts, ‘Try Before You Buy Your New Windows – Yes, Really!‘ and ‘7 Things to Consider When Choosing Your New Windows

Our ref: 0016969

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