Double Glazed Rustique uPVC Casement Windows, Sonning Common

Location: Sonning Common

This lovely cottage-style home in Sonning Common had the original windows replaced a few years ago however, they were not in keeping with an Edwardian home. The character had been lost and the proportions of the windows and the diamond lead design were not consistent with this style of property.

Our client wanted uPVC windows for low maintenance. We presented the new owners with various design options to help restore the character.

Thames Valley Windows installed Rustique double glazed uPVC windows with a white grained finish, equal sight-lines and a rectangle lead design. Chrome window furniture gives the windows a modern touch.

This property looks fantastic with its new windows. This home is warmer and the value has increased. The neighbours have even stopped by to pay their compliments!


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You may also be interested in reading our blog posts, ‘Try Before You Buy Your New Windows – Yes, Really!‘ or ‘Improving the Kerb Appeal of Your Home

Our ref: 0019693

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