Double Glazing Windows in Sandhurst

Location: Sandhurst

Our clients, the owners of this Charles Church 1990s property required replacements for the softwood double-glazed windows even though they had only recently been painted in the last couple of years.

Those existing windows had very narrow panes and even though they were double-glazed they provided little in the way of thermal insulation and many of the units had started to deteriorate. Therefore, the only effective solution would be to completely replace them. As well as ensuring the windows would last for a long time, it would rectify all the other issues affecting them too.

The client, with help from our specialists, decided on the Halo Double Glazing Windows in Sandhurst. These black-brown casement windows with mechanical joints proved to be an even better match for the faux Tudor-style timber used in the property, than the Rosewood Mahogany originals. Along with the mechanical joints, the neat knife finish to the welds gave the timber-effect windows an enhanced and authentic appearance. On the interior of the windows, they were finished with the simple and subtle white grain, as this proved to be the best match for the decor inside the home.

Overall, the client was incredibly impressed with the appearance of their Double Glazing Windows in Sandhurst. They also stated that it felt much warmer and that they had even stopped using their central heating quite as much as they did before we installed the replacements. Although it was not the main reason for the replacement windows, a nice additional benefit was the fact that the property has improved acoustic insulation. So good, in fact, that the owners are no longer woken up by the noisy dustmen in the morning.

Products used:

Our ref: 0023897

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