Georgian Double Glazed uPVC Windows, Ascot

Location: Ascot

Our client in Ascot wanted to replicate the original window styles and proportions on the front elevation but change the look of the rear. The rear windows had too many Georgian squares and did not match the front.

We installed Georgian double glazed uPVC windows and placed dummy casements in all of the fixed units to ensure all glazing lines were even. The Georgian glazing bars are on the outside of the glass to create the appearance of individual panes of glass.

The frames are Halo Antique Rustique and give clean lines on the exterior with putty line Georgian bar and traditional ovolo shaped frames on the interior. The patio doors have factory pre-finished hardwood cills.

uPVC windows require little to no maintenance so will continue to look good for many years to come.

We supply and install replacement uPVC windows for new build and home improvement projects. Our extensive uVPC window range is available in standard white, white wood, cream wood, natural wood, rosewood or literally any British Ral or Farrow & Ball colour.

Products used:

You may also be interested in reading our blog, ‘7 Things to Consider Before Choosing Your New Windows‘ and ‘How to Maintain Your uPVC Windows

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