Internorm HF210 Timber & Aluminium Windows & French Doors, Hartley Wintney

Location: Hartley Wintney

Our client approached us again for their preferred taste in these products – Internorm HF 210 Timber & Aluminium Windows & French Doors in Hartley Wintney.

The windows are from Internorm’s Home Pure range. The Internorm HF 210 timber/aluminium window features a square edged sash and a tilt and turn feature. A triple gasket system protects against driving rain and high permeability as well as offering superb thermal and sound insulation.

The owners wanted to match their existing Internorm standard triple security glazing we installed previously in Hartley Wintney with a neutral varnished finish inside.

These Internorm HF 210 Timber & Aluminium Windows allows plenty of natural light to enter the home and the tilt and turn feature ensures safety while allowing fresh air to enter throughout the day. Enjoy the warmth and beauty of timber inside with the protection of aluminium outside.

We also installed French Doors from Internorm for our clients in Hartley Wintney. The inward opening French doors have created a sense of space and openness, inviting the greenery of the mature garden into the room. The addition of French doors to a room not only gives greater access in and out of your home, but also increases the amount of light that floods in.

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You may also find the following blog post interesting, ‘Why Choose Internorm Windows & Doors?’

Our ref: 0028016

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