uPVC Double Glazed Windows and Solarlux Bi-Fold Doors, Cobham

Location: Cobham

Our client in Cobham was looking to replace their windows with new, maintenance-free, uPVC windows that would reduce drafts and improve the thermal efficiency of their home. They also wanted to replace the red tiles with Marley Cedral Cladding in a softer colour.

To make this easier to visualise, we produced 3D architectural drawings which can be seen in the gallery above. This allows you to experiment with colours and designs before making a final decision and avoids costly mistakes.

The new uPVC double glazed windows are finished in smooth white. The frame is rebated (as opposed to flush) and features a traditional Ovolo detail.

At the rear of the property, we installed two sets of SL 60e bi-folding doors from Solarlux finished in dark grey (DB703).

What a transformation! The fresh white windows and contemporary bi-fold doors look stunning against the grey cladding. The property value has increased and our client is delighted!

Products used:

You may also be interested in reading the following blogs:

Try Before You Buy Your New Windows & Doors, Yes! Really!
What makes Solarlux Bi-Fold Doors Different?
What are Flush Casements?


Our ref: 0023146/7

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