White Wood Effect Georgian Double Glazed uPVC Windows, Wokingham

Location: Wokingham

This family home in Wokingham, had single glazed timber windows fitted which were in need of replacing. They had started to show signs of wear and tear and were not very thermally efficient.

After an initial design consultation, we provided our client with elevation drawings. This helped them to visualise how their home would look with new windows. They chose double glazed, white wood effect uPVC windows, with a traditional Georgian design, in keeping with the character of the property.

A simple, classic design that will never date. The house has a fresh, clean new look, is warmer and quieter with the added bonus that the new windows are now maintenance-free. Our client is delighted.

Our Architectural Design Service provides you with a full-colour, scaled architects drawing of your home, illustrating your chosen designs, to help you visualise and explore the various options. This service is free of charge.

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You may also be interested in reading our blog posts, ‘7 Things to Consider Before Choosing Your New Windows‘ and ‘How to Maintain Your uPVC Windows

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