Double Glazing Windows in Fulham, London

Location: Fulham, London

Our client, based in the Fulham area of London, was looking to replace the tired and worn out double glazing windows in Fulham in the above period property. It was just as crucial that a suitable replacement was chosen that would improve the effectiveness of the windows, while maintaining the look and feel of the original timber pieces.

To the front of the property, it was decided that we would install the timber sliding sash windows, finished in white. This model was chosen as it meant we could bend the decorative glazing bars into an arch, as shown in the gallery above. To the rear of the house though, it was decided that we were going to use the double-glazed timber alternative windows.

The great thing is that the replacement Double Glazing Windows in Fulham are almost an exact match for the original timber that the property had before. As such, the client was delighted with results. The home has now been freshened up and is not only securer, but also quieter and warmer too.

The timber windows used in the property above are available throw our showroom in either oak, European redwood or hardwood and the choice of any British RAL finish.

Products used:

Our ref: 0024587

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