Halo uPVC Windows, Eton Wick

Location: Eton Wick

This home in Eton Wick has been transformed with Antique Rustique Halo uPVC double glazing Windows in Eton Wick from the Halo range. We replaced the old and tired existing double glazing with Halo’s range and are now more in keeping with the age and style of the property and stand out from the rest of the terraced properties next to it.

The owners of this Eton Wick home visited our showroom in Bracknell on several occasions to meet with our designers, gain understanding of the various design solutions we can offer and get a feel for what would best meet their needs. They had the opportunity to view an extensive range of Halo uPVC Double Glazing Windows in Eton Wick, and to open and close them so that they could really envisage them at home and see how easy they were to use.

They chose even sight lines, Scotia beading and graphite connoisseur handles for their newly installed uPVC double glazing windows. With the pleasing sleek look, these traditional Halo System 10 windows offer higher levels of security and thermal performance at this Eton Wick property, offering the owners peace of mind. Their design means these invaluable features to do not impede on the aesthetics of the windows.

We also installed their Apeer Front Door and the residential door to the rear of the property.

Products used:

You may also be interested in reading our blog, ‘A Brief History of uPVC Windows’.

Ref: 0027315

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