Halo uPVC Windows, Camberley

Location: Cambereley

Our client chose Halo uPVC Windows from the System 10 range to transform the frontage of this already existing office building in Camberley.

The property firm managing this project was keen to install a colour Halo uPVC window in Cambereley that matched the surrounding façade of other businesses and the existing front entrance to the property, previously installed. They were invited to visit our showroom in Bracknell and meet with our designers, gain understanding of the various design solutions we can offer and get a feel for what would best meet their needs. Our clients chose a dark grey finish on the outside and white grain internally, ensuring maximum potential of light reflection indoors.

Inspired by traditional joinery, our high-performance double-glazed Halo uPVC Windows in Cambereley combine traditional aesthetic with modern techniques to deliver a window that excels in creating natural light, warmth and safety. Any client can enjoy complete peace of mind knowing they are custom built for safety and are naturally resistant to mould, rot and atmospheric corrosion, with minimal maintenance throughout the year.

Some windows added are of the uPVC tilt and turn style and have added quite a nice touch to this standard office space in, Camberley, allowing in natural light and fresh air at the turn of a handle. Uniquely, our designers matched window replacements for a port hole and a bespoke oriel featured bay window which extended over 2 floors of the building. All windows have trickle ventilation, allowing air to flow through at all times.

It’s no secret that we are veering more toward the modern and contemporary in our style choices. Beyond looks, we expect high performance in the form of efficiency, functionality and durability.

Thames Valley Window Company can also provide you with various design solutions and our architectural designers are always happy to help.

Products used:

You may also be interested in reading our blog, ‘A Brief History of uPVC Windows‘.

Ref: 0027859

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